Buffy the Vampire Slayer: No Future for You by Brian K. Vaughan, Joss Whedon et al.
English, 120 pages, Buffy: Season 8 #2. Read in November 2013
Mini-Review in English:
I loved the beginning of this album. It felt just like a Buffy episode on TV, but then some weird parts came that I wasn't too fond of. It's the same as with the TV-show, I loved the episodes that were more "normal" (with a nice Buffy-twist), but wasn't the biggest fan of the episodes with the more over the top crazy alien-like monsters in it.
So yeah, it was a good novel until they added all those weird stuff like the gargoyles etc., I also didn't like the way they jumped from one thing to the other in the last story, I was completely lost, didn't get that one at all. I hope the next album is better!
I like the drawings, not the most personal style, but for this series it works. I love it when the characters look like the actors in the show, not all of the artist is good at drawing them like that and OMG why did Faith's boobs have to be double the size from the TV-show!?
Shadow Kiss: TGN by Richelle Mead et al.
English, 160 pages, Vampire Academy: The Graphic Novel #3.
Read in January 2014
Read in January 2014
Mini-Review in English:
I'm not sure that I would be able to follow this story if I hadn't read the book first. The whole album is too short to fit the 443 pages from the book. Some parts aren't explained enough and takes part so quickly that even I who have read the book don't understand it all, but it was since I am a big fan of the series still a nice and fun read. I will definitely continue to read the rest of the series.
Like I said before, about the previous albums in this series, I am not the biggest fan of the drawings, they're clean and pretty and all, but a bit too impersonal for my taste. It still works though so I will stop complaining about it.
Åh jag är så sugen på att köpa de där Buffy albumen. Älskade serien när jag var yngre, eller vem skojar jag med, det gör jag ju fortfarande. Är det något att satsa på då tycker du?
SvaraRaderaJa absolut om du är ett Buffy fan är de skitkul, blir som att få nya tv-avsnitt ^^
RaderaMen har gillat Buffy Omnibus serien mer än säsong åtta (tror jag) så rekommenderar den först!