This Tuesday meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's theme is Top Ten Tuesday REWIND! (Pick from previous topics that you want to do again or may have missed).

Just wierd...

Everything with "poo" in the title is always fun.

...or pussy :P

Disturbing and funny, but not sure if these are real though...
RaderaOh my goodness! These are quite funny. Especially Why is Mommy Moaning - ROFL! Do you know the animated cartoon show "Rocko's Modern Life?" There is a video on youtube about the top 30 "dirty" allusions in the show. It's a kiddy show, supposed to be, so it's pretty interesting the subliminal references.
SvaraRaderaAnyway, nice to discover your blog! I don't think I've ever known anybody Swedish. Keep well!
No haven't heard it. *googles it* Wait yeah I recognise that! haha. Will check out the video tomorrow ^^ Thanks for the tip!
RaderaThanks for the visit! =)
These are hysterical! I love it!
SvaraRaderaI did characters for my Top Ten Tuesday.
RaderaWill check it out =)
Great pick. I LOVE YOUR LIST!!! I am seriously laughing sooo hard at these right now - genius! Nice list :) My TTT.
SvaraRaderaHaha thank you =)
RaderaThose are hilariously amazing titles! What's Your Poo Telling You? is a ridiculous book, but it's also brilliant!