

Such a pretty cover, the colours, the lines. Pure beauty!
This was much harder then I thought it would be... which shows how much YA covers is in need of a change! Especially when the main character in the book is in fact a POC but the cover or movie then shows/casts a white person. As for example The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa (but they did fix it for the second book). Makes me think about this great article.
Do you have any more examples of this?
Kul att du också gjorde den här. :) The Night Itself är jättefin, att jag inte tänkte på den. Men det var på tok för svårt att hitta tillräckligt med omslag till den här kategorin. Dåligt, dåligt. :/
SvaraRaderaJa tänkte att de kunde vara ett kul sätt att hitta nya engelska bloggar =)
RaderaJa verkligen ursnygg. Superdåligt!
Love all of your choices. Anya's Ghost is really awesome. I also like The Great Greene Heist and your number one choice.
SvaraRaderaThanks =) Yeah awesome cover, awesome book!
RaderaThese are beautiful covers and I really love The Night Itself. Great picks!!
SvaraRaderaThanks! =)
RaderaHaha asså jag måste bara få fråga, citatet uppe i hörnet, det med båten och tegelstenarna, från vilken bok är det?
SvaraRaderaLiftarens guide till galaxen =) https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13535914-the-hitchhiker-s-guide-to-the-galaxy
Raderasuperrolig bok!
Ja jag funderade på om det var den! Läste om den för några månader sen och herregud vad jag skrattade xD
RaderaThis is such a great topic for a meme! I haven't read any of these books on your list. But I've heard of Storm Dancer. I'm familiar with the artist who did the cover because he did the covers for one of my favourite trilogies The Broken Empire by Mark Lawrence. The White Washing done for some books with POC characters is really unfortunate. But I think since last year the debate on Diversity and cover characteristics have been really strong. Have you read Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi? That's a really good graphic novel with a POC character. Thanks for stopping by my blog Miriam!
SvaraRaderaAh I must check them out as well then! ^^
RaderaNo not yet but I plan to read it!
No, Thank you! =)
Great choices! don't know that I've seen any of these before. I'm a new GFC follower.
SvaraRaderaCheck out my Covers
I love the cover of The Oathbreaker's Shadow, the books was also awesome!
SvaraRaderaThanks for joining in last week :)
Sugar & Snark